The Civil Guard is looking for a kamikaze driver who traveled at night in the opposite direction on the A-42, within the province of Toledo, for at least 25 kilometers. He was able to enter the highway at Cabañas de la Sagra and lost track of him near Nambroca, in what is known as ‘La Cuesta de las Nieves’, according to several sources.

It happened this Sunday, around ten. Numerous drivers alerted the 112 emergency service, the Civil Guard and the Toledo local police by phone of the presence of this driver, but he was not located.

According to official sources, the Civil Guard received telephone calls warning of the kamikaze at kilometer 65, within the municipality of Toledo.

However, reviewing the security cameras installed on the highway, it has been possible to verify that he entered the highway at Cabañas de la Sagra, although neither the license plate nor the model were recorded.

According to other sources, every three or four days the emergency services receive calls due to the presence of drivers in the opposite direction on the roads of the province. “It is very common,” they say, but the bodies and security forces do not verify it. “The normal thing is that they are clueless that they get into the wrong place,” they add, although this does not seem to be the case of Sunday’s kamikaze due to the number of kilometers he traveled.