After the storm of a negotiation against the clock, which has kept the thousands of families that depend on the company on edge, today calm has come to Cerealto Siro, which has finally signed the agreement with the new investor for a new plan for the cookie firm that at times seemed to be doomed to close. Days of tension are left behind after which the president of the company has shown his confidence in the new stage facing the business that he created with his wife almost 40 years ago. “I’m handing over the keys”, Juan Manuel González Serna pointed out with emotion, and “it gives me enormous satisfaction to look at you and see what you have a future”, he pointed out, addressing the representatives of the workers present at the signing of the framework that opens a new stage.

Among the public, the Minister of Industry, Reyes Maroto, and the President of the Junta de Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, who at the end celebrate hand in hand the solution to this industrial crisis, leaving aside the harshness and the crossing of declarations that have occurred since the beginning of the contacts between the parties. “Today we are calmer than on Saturday, there were many nerves,” said the socialist. “The events of these last few days have overwhelmed us all,” added the popular. Be that as it may, the four family photos, one for each of the Cerealto Siro plants, put an end to long negotiations and the presidents of the works councils have thanked the public administrations for the work carried out «in a few days hard and in a few difficult months, “reports Ical.

Although by agreement the harsh tone has been silenced, hours before there were still embers of reproaches. The provincial secretary of the PSOE in Zamora, Antidio Fagúndez, has joined the repeated and orchestrated socialist criticism and has stated that “if the responsibility for Siro staying in Castilla y León falls to the Board, the company would be closed today and the 1,700 workers, in the street» and conclude with a sentence to remember: «All the companies that have left Zamora and Castilla y León would have had a very different future if we had had another government». More moderate, the Government delegate in Castilla y León, Virginia Barcones, has once again expressed her satisfaction with the outcome of the negotiations. The Board “has to be part of the solution. The most difficult thing, finding an investor and getting the workers to accept the new conditions that arise, has been done, but we still have a long way to go », she encouraged.

The Vice President of the Board, Juan García-Gallardo (Vox), has also been prudent, who has celebrated the agreement and has defended the role of the Board because “it is notorious and public that we have participated in several meetings. We have contributed a lot, we work and we are not in the photo », he has settled.