
Empowering Individuals: DC Basic Income Program Allows Participants to Choose Monthly Amounts

Deborah Ogarro Kelly, a participant in a Washington DC-area guaranteed basic income program, has found that $1,400 a month is essential for covering household medical expenses. Kelly, 47, serves as the primary caregiver for her blind husband, who faces various health challenges. Due to her caregiving responsibilities, Kelly is unable to work, and the couple relies on a fixed income of under $2,000 per month, in addition to the guaranteed basic income they receive.

The basic income program, CashRx, operated by Bread for The City, offers participants the freedom to choose the amount of their monthly no-strings-attached checks. For Kelly, $1,400 per month ensures that she can address out-of-pocket medical costs for her family. While the basic income has eased some of her financial worries, Kelly still finds herself struggling to make ends meet.

The program, funded through the Community Foundation’s Health Equity Fund and various grants, aims to address health disparities in DC by providing financial stability to low-income residents. Participants, like Kelly, express gratitude for the support, noting that the basic income has helped them afford essential expenses and improve their mental well-being.

Despite the positive impact of the program, Kelly remains concerned about the future, particularly regarding rising expenses and uncertainties related to housing and healthcare. However, she remains hopeful that with continued support, she and her husband can achieve financial stability and eventually return to work.

As basic income programs face opposition from some lawmakers, participants like Kelly emphasize the importance of providing individuals with the opportunity to meet their basic needs. Through sharing their stories, participants hope to raise awareness about the benefits of guaranteed basic income programs and advocate for continued support for those in need.