Mette Frederiksen (S) has gradually had a half year in office as prime minister.

Nevertheless, there are still things, Denmark’s second female prime minister through the ages to get used to.

she writes even on his Facebook profile.

Here she has taken up the question of the consequences on the social media.

One of them called the Take, and he has asked what the difference is before and after, Mette Frederiksen, was prime minister.

And here is the answer:

‘It gives almost itself. But one of the changes, I feel the most in everyday life, are my bodyguards,’ it sounds it, before the prime minister comes in at, how it is completely in practice.

‘I must remember to tell them about all my plans. They are, when I should be in Brugsen. When I need a ride out in the kayak. They are with a parent meeting at the school. And so is the course with, when appearing in official contexts, as prime minister,’ write Mette Frederiksen.

She finishes the advert with to describe how she Saturday have invited his bodyguards home in statsministerboligen, Marienborg, where they have their daily walk, to the christmas atmosphere with their families, as they are normally not otherwise have on a visit.

Mette Frederiksen whole, a part time to share her everyday life on Facebook.

When she did not take questions from followers, so she describes how it goes in the acted as a minister, or that she has ordered dagligdagsting like laundry.

It happens at the same time that she has garnered a lot of criticism for – along with the rest of its government – to shy away from critical interviews with the press.