A person has been arrested, while two others are in custody in the case of the two small children, who on Saturday was found surviving in Aarhus.

“We work out of a suspicion that the children have come to Denmark together with some people who are staying or have stayed illegally in the country,” says inspector Michael Kjeldgaard from the east Jutland Police, and continues:

“Through our investigation we found some people who can have a relationship with the children. Now they need to further interrogations and investigations make us wiser on how the children have ended up on the street in Aarhus.”

The police said in a press release Monday.

The one-year girl and the boy at about two and a half years, was found Saturday night by random passers-by on Park Avenue. The girl sat in a stroller, and the boy stood beside.

The two passers-by took note that the children do not seemed unsafe, and that the boy took good care of the girl. But it puzzled them that the parents were not to see any places.

Because after a half an hour was still no trace of the parents, the police were summoned.

east Jutland Police retrieved the children, which has since been handed over to Familiecentret in Aarhus Municipality. The children are under the circumstances well.

Subsequently, the police have called for parents, witnesses and persons with information about the children.

In the press release informs the east Jutland Police, that on Sunday evening visited several addresses in Jutland in connection with the investigation of the case.

In this context, one person was arrested, while two people were in administrative detention to ensure their identity is disclosed it.

inspector, Inspector Michael Kjeldgaard explains in the press release that the investigation is now narrowed into:

“Now we have narrowed the investigation into and have some concrete clues to go after, but if you have an identity on the children or their parents, must be very welcome to call us via 114,” he says.

In the course of Monday the police will conduct further interrogations.

Therefore, the police can not disclose more about the case right now.

east Jutland Police staging at 15:00 a press conference on the case, which will tell you further about the investigation, arrest and frihedsberøvelserne.