“You want to end these shocking pictures not to see”, says Roland Heimann, Chairman of the second division of the district court of Zurich, “but you have to collect something like that!” The 83-year-old Swiss leans to the lectern. “I don’t understand this today,” he concludes. It had become “just as a coercion: Where has it something to look at.”

but Today, today he could such a thing not to imagine. “I could not, it is no longer interested in me.” The judge, frowning. And he has every reason to do so.

sentenced to Two relevant priors

The pensioner was in 2014 because of pornography, a conditional fine of 90 daily rates of 100 francs. In 2017 it came to the second conviction for pornography. Now he had to pay the fine of 9000 francs, and in addition, 120 days of community work. It has not taken away from him at the time, only thousands of child pornography files, but also computers and hard disks.

two years later, he had acquired an Arsenal of two laptop computers, seven hard drives, five SD cards and a USB Stick. A four-digit number of files with the underage naked girls in provocative positions, which were of naked men was again. “Child pornography of the worst kind,” as the state says a lawyer before the court.

Why All this?, want to know the judge. “I thought it would bring me something, but I didn’t even more an erection,” says the Accused. However, he had hoped that the use of the files “sets something in motion”.

“I’m an old man,”

The man suffers according to the psychiatric expert is not only to paedophilia, and an increased sexual Desire, but also to alcohol-induced mental behavioral disorder. After the consumption of alcohol, he took the files from the network. “The pressure to look and see, always came back.”

the next day, again in the fasting state, he asked each: “What have you now done?” And then he had to have files deleted files, one of which he had “not looked at most of the even”. In fact, the authorities met with over 2000 deleted files.

The man had obtained the files only and possessed, but also to other pedophiles sent. Today, he wants to know anything more. In the thirteen months that he already sit in prison, it had become thanks in part to the lack of alcohol “aware of who I am – an old man who should be ashamed to do such things”.

Stricter measures

The district court sentenced the 83-Year-old to a sentence of imprisonment of 21 months. In a month he will have two-thirds of his sentence served. This month should help to install a whole package of measures. The 83-Year-old wants to start a tort preventive psychotherapy.

The Condemned has declared that it is ready to swallow medication, the vapors, on the one hand, the sexual Desire and lead to on the other hand, in the case of alcohol consumption Nausea.

And he has accepted that his Internet is checked use periodically.

Created: 05.03.2020, 10:47 PM