Six weeks she was absent, she lost the lead in the overall world Cup in the slalom standings, she is only Second in the giant slalom and third parties. In the Super-G she’s slipped to rank 7. But now she wants to know it but, again, Mikaela Shiffrin is planning to return to the world Cup. The “the New York Times reported,” she has talked for a long time with the 24-year-old Überskifahrerin.

at the beginning of February Shiffrin lost her father, she withdrew. As the “Times” writes that they spent the first week of February to 112 hours of footage to tribute a 20-minute video. Jeff Shiffrin died at the age of 65 years in case of an accident at home. “I just wanted everyone to see the man, we know that you hear his voice and his Laugh,” says Shiffrin.

The American was a few days with her family in Vail, where they had learned once the skiing. It snowed often and heavily, and Shiffrin appreciated it as a sign from her dead father who loved to sail after the Storm the slopes. “It was as if he would say: “Why do you spend your time with this thing on me? Go out and ride your Ski.””

The starting position in the discipline ratings

Shiffrin made after three days of leisurely skiing back to the Training. She says: “I came to the point where I thought I could not live with it, to have it tried.” That’s why you want to fly on Thursday to Sweden, in Are the next world Cup scheduled race of the women. On Twitter, you announced your decision, dampened the expectations immediately: you don’t know whether it was already to race. Shiffrin has good memories of the place in the middle of Sweden: a little more than a year, she won world championship Gold in the Slalom and Super-G and Bronze in the giant slalom.

Now it is different, it goes to the score in the world Cup, the small and large balls. Shiffrin was actually everywhere in the residue. In Are three races: the Slalom, giant slalom and parallel races. In the Slalom, Shiffrin is 20 points behind the Slovakian Petra Vlhova, in the giant slalom, there are 19 plus 93 more on Federica Brignone. In the parallel race has barely more chances, it should be also care much.

But because of this Coronavirus. The race of Are are – if they occur – the last before the world Cup final in Cortina. Well possible that it is also the last of the season. The ski Federation FIS will inform on Friday whether the race in the North of Italy can take place at all. Otherwise, the season would be ended prematurely, and the race for the overall world Cup title would be decided in Sweden. Currently Brignone is 153 points ahead of Shiffrin, 189 before Vlhova. However, the Italian will be in Sweden at the Start of the giant slalom is the discipline in your parade. (mro)

Created: 05.03.2020, 11:44 PM