He has not been seen since Thursday, when home care found an empty home, when they came to see him.

“We’ve been searching with dogs in almost around the clock – we are also here this morning,” says Poul Fastergaard, there is vagtchef by The Police.

However, police are not nervous for the man’s health, although the reports that he is starting dementia.

“There is nothing that suggest he’s gone out with selvmordshensigt, and immediately there is nothing that suggests that he will fall or something similar,” says mr Fastergaard.

He tell that one expects, he is still alive.

Therefore, call on the vagtchefen to keep an eye Jestbahis out in the area and contact the police at 114, if you see someone who fits the description of Ehlers Pedersen.

Police describe him as being 165-170 centimetres tall, plain building with fat belly and big nose. He also has gray and white hair and wears glasses.

The 81-year-old man usually has his bike with him, when he leaves home. It uses he as a walker. The bike is still at home.

Poul Fastergaard says that they do not know exactly when or how the Ehlers Pedersen left his home.

“There is no information about why he disappeared,” says vagtchefen.

He tells that the plan is to continue the search for the 81-year-old man is found.