general, rasmussen, Morten Bødskov, can be a little less popular among the 20,000 danes who might be affected by a new bill.
For a dane, who pay the highest tax and have a leased company car, it can mean an average annual merskat of 3,800 crowns.
It tells Tanya Honoré Schultz from accountancy and advisory firm BDO for the stock Exchange.
the Danes in the risk category are those who make use of a leased company car, which is taken into use from 1. February 2020. It appears from the bill that the minister has written.
‘The part of the proposal relates to the adjustment of the taxation of company car as a result of the recalculation of the registreringsafgiftspligtig value, is estimated to cover approx. Of 20,000 company cars annually, which on average gets increased the value of the car with approx. 27.000 kr. as a result of the recalculation.’
It is a part of the finance act, where the rules for the just-leased company cars were tightened.
George also talked about the bill in the beginning of december.
Here it said that the background to the bill is that the tax base for company cars often is lower than the list price of the same car, if you even were to buy it.
According to the newspaper considers the recalculation of the value of place four months, after you have been given the keys to his leased company car.
after that, the registration fee is regulated up in relation to the assessment, so that it matches the listeprise.
the Media writes that the FDM has written earlier, that a big company car as a VW Passat 2.0 Elegance can cost over 9000 dollars extra per year.
Christian Brandt, director of leasingfirmaernes trade association Finance and Leasing, believes that the system is unnecessarily cumbersome.
“You have to find another method, then you know the treasure when you get your car delivered. It should be a schematic firmabilbeskatning, for example, from the standardanmeldte prices, as importers reviewer to motorregisteret,” he says to Børsen.