In winter, the skin groans and moans. Cold wind and harsh weather become a strain, the sebaceous glands work less productively, the skin dries out, is irritated and reddened. Only cream, cream, cream helps. Those whose skin thirsts for intensive care should replace the body lotion with body butters, which come with a shovel more fat. Ökotest tested 26 products and the majority of them are actually fine. Two, however, smear in the test.

The body butter range has swelled considerably in recent years. The range is huge and the buyer is often spoiled for choice in front of the shelf – conventional or rather natural cosmetics, cheap or expensive? Ökotest has two pieces of good news: 1. If you reach for the natural cosmetics shelf, you can hardly go wrong. All certified body butters compared were “very good”. 2. Top body butter is available for little money. The cheapest of these is Balea. For 83 cents, this is no worse than the expensive competing product from L’Occitane, which costs 24 euros. Among the very good natural cosmetics butters, Bevola is the price-performance winner (1.48 euros).

Only two body butters in comparison did not convince the testers. There were deductions in the rating for the “Bettina Barty Body Butter”. The examiners found in it, among other things, paraffins and aromatic petroleum carbons, which can be harmful to health. That doesn’t have to be the case, say the eco-testers and award the grade “insufficient”. The second “black sheep” in the test is Biotherm. 19 euros have to be shelled out for the body butter. 19 euros that you can invest better. There are a lot of silicones in the Biotherm product. Ökotest evaluates “inadequate”.

You can find the entire test for a fee on

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