Rohde added that it will now be examined “closely” whether we can achieve this financial dimension. The member of the Bundestag, whose constituency of Oldenburg-Ammerland is one of the regions particularly affected by the current flood, also referred to the federal government’s special responsibility. “It was true for the people in the Ahr Valley a few years ago and it still applies today: the people in the affected regions can rely on the federal government,” he told “Stern”.

As a result of the Federal Constitutional Court’s budget ruling, the Bundestag had to pass a supplementary budget for 2023 in December – and to do so again suspend the debt brake.

The FDP, which governs the federal government with the SPD and the Greens, is currently rejecting a suspension of the debt brake for 2024. On the other hand, in recent weeks there have also been voices from several parties and economic experts calling for a fundamental reform of the debt brake anchored in the Basic Law.