The transport ministers of the federal states end their two-day consultations in Aachen on Thursday. At noon (1 p.m.), the chairman of the Conference of Transport Ministers (VMK), North Rhine-Westphalia’s department head Oliver Krischer (Greens), together with several colleagues, will present the results.

The ministers’ agenda primarily included open regulatory details on the 49-euro ticket, for which the Bundestag gave the green light last week. It should apply to local transport throughout Germany from May 1st. A digitally bookable, monthly terminable subscription is planned. In some regions, the transport associations have already promised special additional tickets for extra services – for example, to be able to take other people, animals or bicycles with you at low cost. The conference of transport ministers should endeavor to achieve harmonization here.

Extension of the offer necessary

The railway and transport union (EVG) warned that it is not enough to stimulate demand for local transport services through attractive prices – the offer must also be expanded accordingly. “And this requires investments: in the infrastructure, in vehicles, in staff,” said a union spokesman for the dpa. In addition to the start-up financing for the 49-euro ticket, it must also be ensured that the transport companies’ loss of income is fully compensated.

In addition, the transport authorities and railway companies would have to take measures in good time before the summer tourist traffic “to avoid overload situations like in summer 2022”, demanded the EVG. Last year, the 9-euro ticket caused a rush of passengers and bottlenecks, especially in leisure and excursion traffic.

Measures against new chaos

Other topics on the transport ministers’ agenda include a reform of passenger controls at airports and more 30 km/h zones in the municipalities. When it comes to security checks, the federal states have proposed that the federal government transfer responsibility for security checks from the federal police to the airports. During the corona pandemic, there was chaos with excessively long waiting times at the controls, especially during the holiday periods. The VMK is expected to reach agreement on this issue.

Right from the start, the conference of transport ministers was accompanied by protests by climate activists and environmental groups. On Thursday (12.30 p.m.) they want to present Krischer with a “red climate map” for the Federal Transport Route Plan (BVWP). The Parents for Future alliance is calling for an immediate stop to the construction and expansion of federal trunk roads, priority for the rehabilitation of roads, bridges and rails, the rapid expansion of the railways and a thorough review of the BVWP’s requirement plans according to environmental and climate aspects. The campaign is supported by other environmental organizations. A demonstration with 600 participants has also been registered with the Aachen police.