Mr. David, are vehicles generally suitable as investments? I don’t think so. No one has a crystal ball and can say with certainty which car will make a fortune tomorrow. Otherwise everyone would have kept their VW Bulli or Beetle back then. So you should only buy a car if you are doing it primarily for yourself. If the car later brings you more than you paid for it – great. If not, it shouldn’t matter. If you are annoyed by the costs incurred, you have invested your money in the wrong way.

You mean the purchase price? Not at all. A car is not a gold bar or a watch for that matter – it’s an object that you just lock away somewhere and wait for. A car has to be kept dry, needs electricity, has to be checked, needs exercise, has to be serviced and has numerous wearing parts. Running an old car can be very expensive over the years.

And if I just pack the car in an airtight film and store it safely? That’s the bad thing: If I just put cars away and wait, the costs for some models to bring them back to life later pile up. You have to take care of vehicles. So it’s clear: If you have no real interest in this topic and don’t want to drive, you should look for something else.

For the collector of tomorrow: Which cars might still be overlooked today and are therefore available comparatively cheaply? As I said: If only we knew that. But in the low price segment I can only recommend the Golf. Golf 2, Golf 4 – ideally in a special version with a popular engine, i.e. GTI or R32. It helps to remember that business is purely emotion-driven. Nobody needs these cars. But if a particular vehicle brings back childhood memories or there is a personal connection to a model, rational thoughts play a subordinate role in the purchase.

Let’s assume money doesn’t matter. What can you buy immediately with a clear conscience? Then Ferrari. Everything with a naturally aspirated engine and V12. In my opinion, the Porsche 996 is also underestimated, especially as a Turbo or GT. If you want something visually unusual, I can also recommend taking a look at the Porsche 944 or 968. Both completely underrated in my opinion.

What about new cars? You can’t get the stars of tomorrow today either. As a new customer, try buying one of the coveted new models at Ferrari or Porsche. That will not work. For really interesting cars, you need a purchase history, otherwise you’ll end up stuck on the waiting list.

Benjamin David is in his mid-30s and has been working in the automotive industry since 2006. In 2013, he started working as a salesman at Porsche, and later opened his own cross-brand car dealership. At David Finest Sports Cars, he employs around 30 experts and is always on the lookout for coveted sports car treasures around the world.

An example? There are so many. Porsche 911 S/T or Ferrari Purosangue – probably also the new 12 Cilindri. Even if you have the money in cash, you won’t find any takers at the car dealerships unless you are a regular customer or make massive additional purchases. For a Porsche 911 S/T, for example, I had to purchase four existing Taycan vehicles. For me as a retailer, it’s worth it. Personally, it probably doesn’t make sense.

Assuming I have the chance: What mistakes can I make when buying a car that is already in demand? This depends heavily on the model in question. Basically, it’s never a good idea to save at the wrong end. If my car is missing the special seats, the popular paintwork or carbon in certain places, it could be the end of it for many interested parties. If in doubt, you should consult an expert, which should definitely not be missed – and then buy it.

What does it look like with used cars? The approach is the same. Overall, is the car interesting for the market? If so – good. And then you should definitely research: What is the history? Is the car really accident-free? Where does the vehicle come from? Is there a maintenance backlog or stand damage? Are all invoices available or is there a gap in the documentation? If yes why? Only when all of this has been clarified should you consider purchasing it so that no rivet ends up in the garage.

Are there cars for which buyers may have even misjudged the price development a bit? In fact, the Mercedes G-Class is currently having major difficulties. For years it was only offered with a surcharge, but now the trend is completely over. There are always different reasons for this. In the case of the G-Class, for example, the loss of the Russian market resulted in an oversupply in the rest of the world. Limitations play a big role in new cars – just like they do with used cars. Rare things increase in value and short production bottlenecks usually balance out at some point.

Is such a sale actually quick if you then need the money? There is no general answer to that either. If you want to be on the safe side, you have to stick with certain long-running favorites that move comparatively quickly. In my shop, for example, these are the Porsche 911 in all possible versions. The 964 is an absolute classic, the 993 also runs great. Not only can you drive the cars for a lifetime, but if in doubt you can also sell them relatively quickly. With other cars that everyone wants but are too expensive or too special, even a top-of-the-line model can easily be waited for longer than half a year. For example, a Mercedes-Benz 300SL Roadster. Of course, above a certain price, the target group becomes increasingly thin.

We are currently undergoing the biggest drive change since the invention of the combustion engine. Shouldn’t we get rid of special electric cars that will cause open mouths at the e-vintage car meeting in 30 years? That’s too much for my crystal ball. If I talk about the current situation, I don’t have any good news. In the sports car segment, electric cars play no role, no matter how great or powerful they are. Maybe it’s the actual disadvantages in everyday life, the lack of an emotional component among my customers or simply the uncertainty about how the vehicles will retain their value. If you have already developed a relationship with a particular vehicle – buy it, store it, try it. If in doubt, you’ll need a new battery in 30 years and that’s it. But whether anyone will still want the cars is no idea.