Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) and Finance Minister Christian Linder (FDP) are calling for a tightened course in EU migration policy. “We will ensure reliable identification, registration and screening of people at the EU’s external borders,” Faeser told Handelsblatt.

Procedures are being negotiated in Brussels that should lead to quick decisions on asylum procedures that have little prospect of success at the border and not only within the EU. “Then rejected asylum seekers can be quickly returned from the EU’s external borders.”

Faeser also believes that increased border controls are necessary, she told the newspaper. Lindner said in a talk show on RTL / ntv: “I believe that in order to establish control, the physical protection of the external border must also be considered” – for example with a border fence. He is in favor “if the possibility of humanitarian and qualified immigration is made legally easier at the same time”.

Majority in favor of asylum procedures at the EU’s external borders

According to a survey, a large majority of Germans support the principle of conducting asylum procedures at the EU’s external borders in future – even if the details of how the project will be implemented have not yet been determined. For 79 percent this proposal goes in the right direction, for one in ten (11 percent) in the wrong direction. This was the result of a representative survey by Infratest dimap for the ARD Germany trend.

The left had criticized the plans because the right to asylum would be undermined. Thuringia’s Prime Minister Bodo Ramelow told the editorial network Germany (RND) that all asylum seekers who arrived after 2014 should be recognized across the board if they have lived in Germany for at least three years without any complaints. In this way, the German asylum system can be relieved. “Then we could save ourselves all the bureaucracy and deportation debates. Then we wouldn’t have to recruit any more workers,” said Ramelow.

A federal-state meeting is planned for next Wednesday in the Chancellery, which will primarily deal with the financing of refugee costs.