The musician Hans Well (70) is happy about the mass protests against the AfD and right-wing extremist developments in Germany. “As long as people demonstrate who don’t want to abolish our democracy but rather improve it, that’s good. Basically, a democracy needs democrats and not demo-crackers,” said the songwriter and lyricist of the disbanded cult band Biermösl Blosn in an interview with “Augsburger General” (Friday edition).

“Demo-Krattlers” are “people who don’t feel like dealing with arguments, angry citizens who let their emotions run wild and repeat conspiracy garbage instead of rational thinking, AfDers in the front in the state parliament – people who don’t feel like dealing with arguments to deal with”.

Instead, “more citizens are needed who listen carefully to what the AfD is saying. Also Hubsi, who unfortunately repeatedly proves with half-strong statements that he is hardly politically older than 17,” said Well and called for a responsible government and also opposition politics. “A stupid polemic like that from Merz about dental treatment for migrants is like winning the lottery for the AfD. What politics needs are politicians who clearly represent their points of view and don’t wag back and forth like a cow’s tail like Söder.”

“It would be interesting to see who changes the diapers of AfD voters in need of care without foreign geriatric nurses, works on construction, drives buses, cleans apartments,” Well told the “Augsburger Allgemeine.” “Such deportation fantasies are not new. But in Potsdam, these crazy people, who see themselves as the sole representatives of the people, let their pants down. What came to light is deep brown.”

Well also performed with the Biermösl Blosn for years together with the cabaret artist Gerhard Polt. Since the group disbanded, Well has been performing with his children.