Citizens can contribute to research into squirrels in Germany. We are looking for people who ideally see these animals regularly in a fixed location such as their own garden or in the park and who report their observations over a longer period of time via a web app.

This was announced by the project partners from the Nature Conservation Association (Nabu) and the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research in Berlin. The project is scheduled to run until the end of February 2025.

The aim is to find out more about the occurrence and lifestyle of squirrels. “In the citizen science project that is now underway, we are particularly interested in how squirrels adapt to increasing urbanization and whether there are regional differences in Germany, for example in terms of the number of young animals or the timing of reproduction,” said the head of the department at the Leibniz University. IZW, Stephanie Kramer-Schadt according to a statement.