In the struggle for the future of the solar industry in Germany, Saxony’s Environment Minister Wolfram Günther has called for rapid federal support for the industry. “In order to ensure solar production in Germany, a decision is needed quickly for a protected market segment with resilience criteria,” wrote the Green politician in a published letter to Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) and Environment Minister Robert Habeck (Greens).

In accordance with the decisions of the Federal Council, so-called resilience tenders and bonuses should be approved in the Bundestag as quickly as possible and anchored in the Renewable Energy Sources Act. A higher feed-in tariff would then be paid for solar systems that are primarily produced in Europe.

Will production be relocated abroad?

These instruments gave European photovoltaic companies an opportunity to continue their economic activities in the long term under the current conditions on the global market, Günther said in the letter. The minister emphasized that the solar industry is important for the economic strength of East Germany. Most of the modules produced in Germany come from Saxony, and six companies are said to produce in the Free State. They are an important building block for the German and European solar industry.

In view of the current misery, some solar companies are considering stopping their production in Germany. Meyer Burger recently announced that it was preparing to close the factory in Freiberg. The reason given is that Chinese manufacturers flooded the market with modules at dumping prices.