Investors ultimately accepted the fact that US producer price increases accelerated in April. For a few minutes it looked as if this would worry them ahead of the US inflation figures expected the following day, but ultimately the influence was put into perspective. But investors remained cautious about what could come on Wednesday.

If possible, inflation in the United States should fall quickly and, above all, significantly, wrote analyst Christian Henke from broker IG. The potential for disappointment is not insignificant, especially if inflation does not turn out as the market hopes. Then the US Federal Reserve would have hardly any arguments to lower interest rates.

The reporting season set the tone for individual stocks. Brenntag disappointed investors in the Dax, as the share price fell by 8.2 percent. The chemicals trader is becoming more cautious about this year’s outlook. Rheinmetall continued to grow in the first quarter thanks to the armaments boom, but somewhat missed the market’s expectations. The most recently record-high papers lost 2.7 percent. The shares of the insurer Hannover Re fell by 3.5 percent according to quarterly figures.

In the MDax, Delivery Hero shares shot up by a good 26 percent. The food delivery service is selling the Foodpanda business in Taiwan to its competitor Uber, which will also take a stake of almost three percent in Delivery Hero. Shareholders were pleased with a large surge in inflowing liquidity. Fraport became the second biggest index winner with 5.6 percent. According to JPMorgan expert Elodie Rall, this was because an increase in take-off and landing fees was promised for 2025. The wind turbine manufacturer Nordex impressed with operationally black figures, and shares rose by 4.1 percent.

In the SDax, a confirmed outlook on a large scale relieved Nagarro investors, because according to Martin Comtesse from Jefferies Research, this was not so clear in advance after negative statements from a US competitor. The IT service provider’s papers shot up by almost 23 percent in the small cap index. At Verbio, investors rely on good annual financial statements. This optimism boosted the shares of the biofuel manufacturer with an increase of almost ten percent.

The Eurozone leading index EuroStoxx 50 managed a very thin plus on Tuesday with 5080.29 points. The country indices in Paris and London each increased slightly. There was little movement on the US stock exchanges in anticipation of the impending publication of inflation figures.

The euro last cost 1.0821 US dollars. The European Central Bank set the reference rate at 1.0796 (Monday: 1.0795) US dollars. The dollar therefore cost 0.9262 euros. On the bond market, the current yield fell from 2.57 percent the day before to 2.56 percent. The Rex bond index remained at 124.36 points. The Bund future fell by 0.31 percent to 130.48 points.