Awareness is there, but action is only taken to a limited extent: Almost a quarter of adults (24 percent) stated in a Forsa survey commissioned by the AOK federal association that they only use sunscreen on special occasions such as at the outdoor pool or on vacation. At the same time, 81 percent of those surveyed said that protection from sunlight was important to them. Every second person avoids spending long periods of time in the sun.

However, 38 percent of those surveyed also said they attached great importance to a summer tan. Almost as many (37 percent) have usually had a sunburn once or several times a year in recent years. Almost half of those surveyed (48 percent) often forget to apply sunscreen.

More cases of skin cancer in Germany

According to experts, UV radiation is the greatest risk factor for the development of skin cancer, with the number of cases in Germany having recently increased steadily. Regular use of sunscreen and spray is therefore one of the most important measures to avoid damage to your health.

According to the survey, women use sunscreen significantly more often than men: 72 percent of women said they usually use it to protect themselves from the sun in spring and summer, while the figure for men was 58 percent. And younger people seem to be more aware of the risk of sunburn: only 2 percent of 18 to 34 year olds never apply cream. For those over 65, the figure is 9 percent.

Another result of the survey: Almost two thirds (61 percent) think of vacation when they smell sunscreen. However, only 46 percent like the smell – and 44 percent find the feeling of sunscreen on the skin unpleasant.