The traffic light’s efforts were worth it! This is what it sounds like when Economics Minister Robert Habeck talks about the declining emissions in Germany. There is no question that the decline is significant. However, the traffic light government cannot take all the credit for this. After all, their share in the success is small. The press believes that the fact that things have come this far and that Germany can probably meet its climate targets is due to something else.

“Frankfurter Rundschau”: “There is still good news from the traffic lights. Around ten percent less CO2 emissions within just one year. No government has achieved this since 1990, the base year of the accounting. Even for the next stage, 2030, Things are looking good. According to the Federal Environment Agency’s projection, the German climate target of minus 65 percent compared to 1990 is achievable. Chapeau! It would be nice if we could leave it like that. Because it’s not that simple. That the CO2 load is so strong has fallen is also due to a good traffic light policy, especially in the expansion of solar and wind power. It cannot claim responsibility for other factors – and if it does, then it is rather embarrassing. It was very warm, and the prices for gas and heating oil were high, so there was little heating. And the economy collapsed. Although this helps the CO2 balance, it is not a climate concept. Above all, it is once again shown that two sectors are failing to meet their climate targets: transport and buildings. Here they have to Redirect ministries.”

“Junge Welt”: “The Federal Republic’s greenhouse gas emissions fell by a good ten percent last year, i.e. more than at any time since 1990. This is initially good news, especially since the signs of an unfolding climate crisis are increasing. On closer inspection However, the proverbial glass is not even half full. This is because the causes for the sharp decline are usually not sustainable and because the German climate protection targets for 2030, which only appear realistic due to the recent decline, are far from sufficient for even a halfway adequate one “In view of Germany’s contribution to climate protection, local emissions would have to fall year after year as much as in 2023 so that they reach zero by the middle of the next decade.”

“Neue Presse”: “Of course it’s good that emissions are currently falling. One of the reasons for this is that the expansion of renewable energies is making such good progress. The fact that the climate balance is so positive, especially for industry, is also due to the poor economic situation . Where there is less production, fewer machines are running. This is the side effect of an unresolved crisis.”

“Rhein-Zeitung”: “With the recent development of greenhouse gas emissions, one thing must be noted: the federal government’s chosen course is the right one. Germany can meet its climate targets by 2030 if this path continues to be adhered to. The permissible emission levels, measured against the targets it has set itself , could even be fallen below by 2030. This is a signal that gives rise to optimism. And it should not be talked down with baseless prophecies of doom that decarbonization will lead to the supposed de-industrialization of the country. Without climate protection, the economy and our entire society would do much better in the long run suffer. Only with more climate protection can we secure prosperity and freedom. There is still a lot to be done worldwide to achieve this overarching goal.”

“Straubinger Tagblatt” / “Landshuter Zeitung”: “For the first time ever, the numbers show: ‘Germany is on track.’ – What sounds so positive from Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) is actually just a small ray of hope. There is still a lot wrong with German climate protection policy – especially when it comes to taking companies and citizens along with them. (… ) It cannot be the case that the costs of the energy transition only end up with consumers without relieving them on the other side. This will lead to the majority in society no longer supporting the climate goals at some point. For politics this means: The long-promised climate money must finally come.”

“Nürnberger Zeitung”: “The numbers look good essentially because the industry, especially the construction industry, suffered from a lack of orders and therefore produced less and released fewer pollutants into the air. Anyone who thinks that less economic growth is the solution, to save the climate is wrong. Less growth only leads to: less effort, less innovation. But technical innovations are needed so that growth does not come at the expense of the climate.”