If the German population had its way, cannabis would not be legalized on April 1st. 56 percent of people in Germany believe cannabis legalization is not right, according to a survey by the opinion research institute Forsa for the RTL/ntv trend barometer. However, 40 percent of German citizens believe it is right that the possession and cultivation of cannabis will be permitted in the future.

Last week, the Federal Council approved the federal government’s plan to allow adults to possess and grow cannabis to a limited extent in the future. The Bundestag had previously approved.

The gap between supporters and opponents of the release of cannabis has increased somewhat in recent months: at the end of February, 43 percent were for and 55 percent against the planned legalization; in August 2023, 44 percent were in favor and 52 percent against.

In another major traffic light project, citizen’s money, a large majority is calling for improvements: According to the current RTL/ntv trend barometer, 77 percent of all German citizens surveyed would basically think it would be right if the conditions for receiving citizen’s money were tightened. This is demanded, among others, by the CDU, which wants a reform of citizens’ money.

For example, the CDU wants to limit the annual increase in citizens’ benefit, reintroduce a wealth test for recipients or postpone payments if appointments at the job center are missed without excuse. A fifth of those surveyed did not think that was right.

The data on citizens’ money and cannabis legalization were collected by the market and opinion research institute forsa on behalf of RTL Deutschland on March 22 and 25, 2024. Database: 1,001 respondents. Statistical margin of error: /- 3 percentage points.