Cars require a lot of maintenance, but there are some jobs that car owners can easily do themselves. This includes changing tires. Around Easter, the winter tires should be slowly removed and the summer tires taken out of the basement. Changing tires yourself has the advantage that no time-consuming and nerve-consuming workshop appointments are necessary, and you can also save a lot of money this way. What should you pay attention to when changing tires? We clarify.

If you want to change car tires, you need the right tools. A jack is often already part of the vehicle’s equipment. Car owners can find out where it is located in the car’s operating instructions. If you regularly change tires, purchasing a maneuverable hydraulic jack is worth considering. Overall, the following tools are required for changing tires:

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“O to O” has become established as a rule of thumb. Winter tires are due in October and summer tires at Easter. However, there are no exact regulations in the road traffic regulations. But if the temperatures no longer fall below zero degrees at night, summer tires can be fitted. Around Easter it may be difficult to get a workshop appointment. Changing the tire yourself can also prevent frustration and waiting times.

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