In the dispute over the planned basic child security, the Green Party leader Ricarda Lang has called for an end to the debate about the required number of new official positions.

Family Minister Lisa Paus had previously identified savings potential. “It is clear that there will not be 5,000 new jobs. And so there is no reason for the debate to continue to be hung up on this number,” she said on Sunday evening in the ARD “Report from Berlin”. Her party friend Paus showed that she could look for compromises.

The question of how the number of jobs required can be reduced and how the best possible structures can be created now belongs in the parliamentary process. “And I expect everyone to get back into action now,” said Lang. With regard to the FDP, which does not consider Pau’s bill to be approved, she said: “Anyone who is now calling for a new draft law gets the impression that it is more about blocking basic child welfare.

On Saturday, Paus expressed understanding for the discussion about the number of jobs and told the dpa: “I am sure that the total number of jobs can still be reduced through synergy effects and consistent digitalization, among other things.”

The basic child security has been decided by the cabinet and is currently in the parliamentary consultation process. It is intended to bundle previous benefits such as child benefit, benefits from citizen’s benefit for children and the child allowance. It is considered the Greens’ prestige socio-political project.