In the coalition dispute over the planned basic child security, the chairwoman of the social association VdK, Verena Bentele, called for a word of power from Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). “Mr Scholz must show his colors and finally ensure that real basic child security comes as quickly as possible – without too much bureaucracy and in the interests of children and young people,” said Bentele to the “Rheinische Post”.

It is time for the Chancellor to comment on basic child welfare. “The current discussions threaten to become a similar mudslinging between the FDP and the Greens as last year,” said Bentele. “We can’t afford that.”

The main point of contention in the coalition’s internal dispute over basic child welfare has been the 5,000 new government positions that Federal Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) had reported as needed for the large social project. The FDP continues to sharply criticize this – even if Paus had already weakened its demand at the weekend and indicated that fewer positions for the implementation of basic child protection would be conceivable in the future.

Bentele: The impression that the FDP wants to delay the project

Bentele said that the three million children in Germany who are at risk of or affected by poverty need help as quickly as possible and are dependent on good basic child protection. “The fact that the FDP keeps starting new debates about small-scale questions and details gives the impression that the party wants to delay the entire project.”

With the basic child security, the federal government wants to bundle previous benefits such as child benefit, benefits from the citizen’s benefit for children or the child allowance into a single benefit. The aim is to ensure that all families who are entitled to corresponding benefits will receive them in full in the future.

According to the Family Ministry, this has so far only been the case for a fraction. Basic child welfare is considered the Greens’ prestige social policy project. Parliament is currently discussing the controversial project, which is due to come into force next year.