A climate activist was hit by a truck during a protest in Stralsund in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. As a police spokesman said, the incident happened on a main road.

The 41-year-old truck driver dragged three climate protesters who were blocking traffic off the road and threatened to beat them. Then the man got behind the wheel and drove off briefly. A young demonstrator, who had sat down on the street again, was pushed forward about a meter.

The young man stiffened and was apparently unharmed, it said. A doctor examined the man, who belonged to the last generation group. The truck driver then drove on. The 41-year-old later reported to the police in Grimmen.

Police are investigating the truck driver on suspicion of assault. At the same time, the participants in the traffic blockade are being investigated for violating the Assembly Act and suspected coercion in road traffic.