He has finished In the Olympic hall in Munich a taken Uli Hoeness abdicates as President of FC Bayern. There is a brass band, and a Standing ovation.

the members of The Association can Hoeness in front of loud applause is almost impossible to get a word in photo: Matthias Schrader/ap

He has not said a word, because he has to fight with the tears of emotion. Five minutes before the time Uli Hoeness is marched off in the direction of the Podium, which he enters for the last Time as President, and three hours later, as a Supervisory Board member is leaving. The hand stopped for two minutes 30, he makes the first of tens of Standing Ovations of the 6.091 club members in the Olympic hall to go down, go short on the MIC, says “at some point we need to start” – to bathe and then yet another Minute in the Fan-chant: “Uli Hoeness, you are the best man!” it echoes through the by no means chock-full hall.

And he still said no sound, because it will be even harder for him: From the Headlights captured, bring Franck Ribéry, Arjen Robben and Basketball Boss Marko Pešić, the three latest trophies across the hall to the Podium a pleasant Surprise and great feelings for Hoeness, in which the larynx has now much to do. To 19.08 PM he is finally tuned and ready to go with the nerves. No wonder he is Dating his re-election to the same-accidentally in 1916. It is all a bit much at once.

in order To point 22 at the Uli Hoeness is putting together his paperwork, nodded briefly to the Auditorium and actually occurs, takes the bottom of the foot, if in series one. 43 minutes later, the new President, Herbert Hainer is, his seat neighbor, no elected until 2022, with 79 votes against and 36 abstentions. The was gone in his application speech first on the villages: “FC Bayern is the best club in the world.” His Credo: values, strengths, Tradition and life. His Mantra: “We remain Mia san mia!” His promise: expertise, network and passion. His big dream: to be a Matadorbet Bayern victory in the next Finale dahoam 2022. So what he wants to hear, the Bayern-Fan. One of the first acts Hainer: the request to appoint Hoeness for the sixth honorary President of the German record master. Is not matched in the first place.

The big farewell exhibition of Mr. FC Bayern. At the merchandising stand, there is Hoeness-memory-jerseys with the Ten, on the back number to the active times. Later, the whole Bureau and Adabeis, such as Edmund Stoiber is choking such Leiberl over the dress shirt, what looks like, then funny again. Prior to that, the Difference speaks again, the future head locking for internal coherence (“The opponents sit outside, which may not be at home. You have to form a strong Team, you have to be strong”), calls for the Association must be “social, self-confident, not arrogant”.

And he tells of a Sunday ride on the 6. July 1970, with his BMW 2002 from Ulm to Munich, to am his new employer, the FC Bayern: “On the schellingstraße I smooth over red, ‘ve built a Crash, and I thought: ‘off to a good start!'” The grandee Beckenbauer, Maier and Muller, he siezte on the course is not long, and as a Manager, it was his luck that there was the Kalle Rummenigge: “I was sold for eleven million – since then, Bayern has never had more debt.” With the words, “It was a wonderful time. That’s it! I have done. Thank you.“ the next Ovation, about three minutes 30, even a stage Kiss for wife Susi in here.

Uli Hoeneß about his future

“I’m not going to drive two Times a week at the Säbener Strasse and see if the pennants are still there”

It follows, Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, his character is a true sedative of a speaker. He praised once more the merits of Hoeness (“You, dear Uli, did this Mia-san-mia-machinery kept Running like no other”), and concluded his remarks to the felt for seven and a half hours with the words “Mia san Uli!” Hoeness thanked with a poisoned compliment: “I never knew you to be so emotional can be!” And Rummenigge has proved, after all, hand-to-hand: “tell me.”

a New President Hainer includes the historic meeting at 0.30 o’clock. To the end of it but not yet: parade of the brass band “14 Music” from Höslwang. For the old and the new President, it comes to playing Ho-hum sounds are still afloat to the press conference, where Hoeness says quite taken: “In the evening I’ll remember for a long time.” In the calendar for the first time nix is standing now: “The there have been never.” To not going to the away games he has to drive, wool pile on nowhere: “I’m not going to drive two Times a week at the Säbener Strasse and see if the pennants are still there.” Already clear: Such texts are missing.

And then, hardly it is 1.06 PM, and the event is only six hours, and eleven minutes old is Uli Hoeness to finally retire. At least officially. As he had said just yet: “Now I can say my opinion, Yes, much clearer.”