It may well be he does not sweating, but he did not do well. It need not be a psychologist or an expert in body language to ascertain.

When the british prince Andrew, on Saturday night appeared on the tv screens in prime time in an attempt to convince the british that he – despite his close friendship with the pædofilmistænkte american musician Jeffrey Epstein – had not had a sexual relationship with one of their so-called sex slaves, he was clearly uncomfortable.

In nearly an hour did the british see queen Elizabeth’s second youngest son are questioned in detail about his alleged relationship with a young woman.

the Woman, the now 36-year-old Virginia Roberts, has repeatedly explained how she, as just a 17-year-old in the beginning of the 00’s repeatedly forced to have sex with the prince.

Epstein was suspected and accused of abuse of minor girls and to stand behind a comprehensive pædofilring. In the summer he took his own life in a prison cell in New York, but the stories of the prince will not die.

the Court has already once rejected all accusations against the prince, but on Saturday he saw the drastic step to make up for the interview about the scandal.

the british newspaper The Mirror has been an expert in body language to analyze the prince’s appearance. And the verdict is not good news for Safirbet the prince.

Darren Stanton believes that the prince seemed evasive, and that his responses were rehearsed in advance.

the Expert is not convinced that there was accordance between it, the prince said, and what he felt.

“The behavior I saw in the course of the interview, recalls the, you look at people who are trying to elude or deceive the other,” he says to the newspaper.

During the interview, stressed the prince, that he even could not remember ever to have met the young woman, and he denied strongly that he had had sex with her.

British media is bringing again and again an old picture of prince Andrew with his arm around the young woman’s hip, but the prince remembers not at all, the picture was taken.

In the interview did he understand that that could be a forgery.

Virginia Roberts has described that she at one time danced with the prince, and that he was sweating profusely, but in the interview, the stressed Andrew, that just the body function actually doesn’t work at all normal with him longer as a result of damage from the falklands war.

Finally, he claimed that he and his daughter had been at a pizzeria one of these days, Roberts says, that the prince has been abusing her.

Kropssprogseksperten stresses that the prince’s reactions to the journalist’s questions during the interview is not identical with a person who tells the whole truth.

“I noticed that prince Andrew at times seemed as if he pretended as if he was affected or also exaggerating his surprise,” says Stanton, and adds:

“Either he knew already the information and tried to put distance to them, or he tried to feign total surprise.”

Stanton is liable to Andrews denial in the concerned degree reminiscent of former president Bill Clinton’s denying that he even knew Monica Lewinsky.

“When he asked for his stay in Epsteins house and the pictures, he replied: ‘I have no recollection, or I have tried to remember it.’ It is not outright denial.”