After decades of long fur coats, fur hats and pelsvanter must be the end.

In any case, if there is talk about the real thing.

It has the british queen Elizabeth II decided, writes to her close adviser and most experienced påklædningsassistent, Angela Kelly, in a new book, writes The Telegraph.

the Reason? Real fur is, quite simply, outdated and contrary to the general uk population’s attitudes to fur.

‘If Her Majesty shall be present at an event in particularly cold weather, she will, from 2019 onwards, be dressed in fake fur, to ensure that she can keep warm,’ writes Kelly.

the Book is published with the permission from the queen herself, as Angela Kelly has worked for her majesty in more than 25 years and therefore have a thorough knowledge of the king’s wardrobe.

Therefore she knows also that, for example, mink, who already sits on the queen’s yndlingsjakke, will be removed.

However, will the traditional robes that already Tipobet exist, and as the queen, for example, wore during his coronation, remain as they are and continue to be used during the ceremonies.

In England, it is illegal to produce fur on the farms, as it has been in about 20 years. The legislation places emphasis on the fact that pelsfarme is animal cruelty, and now believe dyrerettighedsaktivister that also the sale of fur should be made illegal.

It says the executive director of Humane Society International, Claire Bass, to The Telegraph.

She has also the queen’s actions welcome and hope that it can get more to follow suit.

However, leave the real fur is not totally the british royal family daily life, since duchess Kate is hard glad its alpaca fur hats. However, these are made of alpacaer, who have suffered a natural death.