“No. Never.”

the Answer came promptly, while he continued to shake his head.

Saturday night was the 59-year-old prince Andrew forward on british television, and rejected the pure, that he had had a sexual relationship with a young woman, which is now known as the late american billionaire Epsteins ‘sexslave’.

“I have no recollection of having met this woman, ever,” said the prince.

I Wonder if Bill Clinton’s iconic ‘I did not have sexual relations with that woman’ appeared in the mind of some older viewers, as the Saturday evening saw a pale and alvorstung prince Andrew appear on british tv in prime time?

In the same way as the president, when he came with the now legendary categorical rejection of the romantic connection with intern Monica Lewinsky, had the prince like the tort to answer humiliating, private questions about her sex life.

And just as Clinton refused prince Andrew any knowledge of ‘this lady’, which he – according to her – should have had sex with several times, when she was only a teenager.

in recent months is queen Elizabeth’s second youngest son become more and more burdened by the scandal of the american billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, who was accused of several assaults on underage girls and for having stood behind a comprehensive pædofiliring.

Epstein took his own life in a prison cell in Manhattan in august, while he waited for his case came to court, but the scandal rolls still.

the Financier was good friends with a number of prominent men – including the british prince Andrew.

Hovedvidnet in the case against Epstein is the now 36-year-old Virginia Roberts (who since has married into the last name Giuffre). Better known as Epsteins young sexslave. She has, under oath, explained that she repeatedly was forced to had sex with the prince.

the Assaults took place between 2001 and 2002 in both London, New York and at the Epsteins island. At the time, was Virginia Roberts just 17 years.

Headlines in recent months may without doubt have got queen Elizabeth to tighten the well-known british upper lip a second time and given the prince of sleepless nights.

on Saturday he saw the unusual step to make up to the interview with the BBC about the allegations.

the Betpark Accusations, which the prince so strongly denied.

“It has never happened. I can absolutely categorically tell you that it never happened,” said the prince to BBC journalist Emily Maitlis.

Although the prince can’t remember the young woman, the two were then photographed together. In the picture, had the prince even an arm about life on the scantily clad girl. Prince Andrew more than hinted in the interview that the picture is faked.

“I can see that it is my face, but it is not certain that it is my arm that is about … what is it … her hip,” he explained.

And not enough of it. The prince also gave a second reason why it can’t be him, Virginia Roberts remembers. She describes: a man who perspired so much that she had to go in the bath after having danced with him.

“There is a small problem with it with to transpire, for I have a strange disorder that makes that I can not sweat or could not transpire at the time,” said the prince.

He added that it was a suffering he sustained during the falklands war, where he was for a period of time had too much adrenaline in the body. Therefore, he was for many years not able to sweat.

in Addition, he presented an alibi for one of the dates, Virginia Roberts claims, he should have been the same with her.

the Explanation from the prince sounds, in short, that he was in a pizza restaurant with her daughter the day, where one of the attacks should have taken place. Something he clearly remember when it was not normal for me to do’.

Although he admits that he flew on Epsteins private jets, stayed at the milliardærvennens private island and visited him in his home in New York and Palm Beach, insists the prince, that he never so rigmanden do something wrong or expose the other for any cross-border.

He regrets bitterly that he did not break with Epstein, immediately after rigmanden in 2008 entered into a settlement agreement in a case of prostitution of a girl under the age of 18 years. Then got the financier sentenced to prison for 13 months.

But even after the verdict, spent the night, prince Andrew with Epstein in New York.

“I lived with him, and that’s part of it, I am beating myself in the head over every single day,” udskyldte prince Andrew in the interview with the BBC, and added:

“For it is not something that is appropriate for a member of the royal family, and we try to maintain the highest standards, and I lived not up to that. So simple is it.”