Since prince Joachim moved to Paris in the summer, has the countess been very alone about the responsibility for his two children, the princes Nikolai and Felix.

And it is not always easy.

“It is a little hard to be alenemor. But it should probably go,” said the countess to B. T. on Wednesday evening in the Bremen Theatre in Copenhagen.

Shortly before had the countess kept its provisionally last of 12 lectures on his book ‘My happy land’.

Among the 400 guests, the hall was also her youngest son, prince Felix.

He did not hide that he believed that his mother was brave when she stands on the stage.

“Yes, I agree. It is super good,” he told after the show to B. T. and Billed-Bladet, when he was asked about this.

the Lecture was a part about the countess and her views on danes ‘ happiness. In particular, the small anecdotes from the beginning of her life in Denmark was popular.

Alexandra’s difficulty with the language need the audience to hear about – like when she told that she in the beginning had difficulty knowing the difference between Island stood for ‘Island’ or ‘the east’.

During the lecture told Alexandra several times about what her children and family mean to her.

And it means a lot to the countess, when the family is at the lectures:

“Yes, it does, for I tell about them, and I think it is very, very nice, and it is very important to my family come and hear what I have to say about us and my background, and how much they mean to me,” she explained after the lecture.

According to the countess, it required not the great persuasions to get her children to come to the lectures.

The two sons are happy that their mother lectures:

“When they have been asked, so I have heard, that they are proud of their mother. It’s nice enough to hear, Vdcasino when one’s children are big enough to say such things,” she said.

however, There was a special reason for that prince Nikolai was not at the lecture:

Have you, or the kids been down to visit prince Joachim?

“I have not, but our oldest is out with him now. It is therefore, he is not here now,” answered the countess, and told then, that prince Nikolai was taken to Paris to visit his father.

There has been much debate about prince Joachim of denmark, since it was announced that he would move to Paris together with princess Marie and their two children.

the Move is interim a temporary measure, while the prince takes a military management training at the prestigious French military academy École Militaire in Paris.

the Prince has been criticized in part for his årpenge remains uforandet despite the move, which will mean that he will have fewer official engagements for the royal family.

Although the prince is apparently surprised by the criticism:

“do you Know what. I’m on a mission to Denmark here in France, and this is not something you just come cycling to the. I have plenty to look to here,” said prince Joachim to a journalist during a dinner in Paris earlier in the month.

Since princess Marie defended her husband and called the criticism ‘completely unfair’.

the Countess is more taciturn on the matter:

What do you think about the debate about prince Joachim moving?

“Well, I don’t have any comment on what others are doing. As I said in my talk, we are a country with a free mind, and we have Christiania and everything else, so I must not meddle in what others do,” says the countess, and adds:

“I’m just glad when people find something they are happy.”