Before you buy a new or used car, is it a reasonable idea to test drive the car, so you can be a bit wiser about what it is.

But of course one must make sure to be careful when you are on test drive. The lesson learned, an unnamed person in the hard way when he took a brand new Porsche 911 GT2 RS, which is only available in 1000 copies, on testtur in Penarth in Wales.

Testturen ended namely abruptly when the motorist suddenly found himself involved in an accident with four other cars involved and the red Porsche with its nose buried in an Opel.

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It writes multiple media, among other uk and Wales Online.

Penarth is located within a few miles from the dealer Porsche Centre Cardiff, from which the Porsche was allegedly borrowed from.

the Guy had only just picked up the car from Porsche in the area immediately around the corner, and he claims that the brakes failed, telling a witness to the accident, Hywel Williams, according to Metro.

A Porsche 911 GT2 RS has 700 hp, a top speed of 340 km/h and a new price of nearly two million dollars – without the Danish vat and taxes mind you.

A spokesperson from South Wales Police confirms according to Metro, that they went out to the accident at the Penarth with five cars involved. The police report that no persons were injured in the accident.

Porsche Centre Cardiff have so far not wanted to comment on the incident to Metro.

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