Denmark has not made the future EU president Charles Michel’s life easier. Nevertheless trust he on support.

Denmark, with prime minister Mette Frederiksen (S) in the lead has raised its voice several times in the EU since the summer elections.

Not just voted Denmark no to start accession negotiations with the Nordmakedonien and Albania, Mette Frederiksen, has also called the plans for the upcoming seven-year EU budget for “gak” and has voted no to the budget for 2020.

– It is important to have an honest dialogue with the leaders. The next seven-year budget is important. And I know the prime minister’s position.

– But I also know that many other countries – at least 16 – will have ambitions on the european level in the budget.

– The next weeks we will discuss and try to reach an agreement. I think it is important not just to talk about numbers, but also about what our common goals are for, what the money should go to, says Charles Michel.

He is faced with a major task. Not only are there major policy differences between countries, not least on Oslobet the size of the next budget, there is also a split between the northern countries and the countries in southeastern Europe.

Charles Michel says, however, that he is sure that Denmark will be to drive the european cooperation forward despite differences of opinion, when it comes to the budget and the admission of new countries.

– I am sure that Denmark will help the EU forward. This meeting was very open. And it is my ambition to have an open communication with all the leaders.

I think if we are innovative and have a political will to create prosperity for our citizens with sensible action, then we will be able to make big decisions, says Charles Michel, and continues:

– But I’m not naive. I know that in the EU, it sometimes takes time before we decide something.

– We must accelerate our procedures to be able to decide faster. It requires dialogue and a good understanding of how the condition and situation in the different countries. I will work hard to have, so I can play a constructive role.
