There was a, there were two, there were three, and now there are four tv-service providers with a clear message: You are hit by prisskruen just as soon as you have sent a nytårsraket towards the sky and took a sip of champagne at the entrance to the 2020.

The recent tv provider who has given notice of price increases, has been as tough a response they have had to close their Facebookvæg.

the Number of tv customers who have got the message that they have to pay more from 1. January, have been steadily increasing for the past few weeks.

Waoo was first on the trigger and announced price increases of around 190,000 customers. As reported Stofa themselves on the pitch and explained their good 480.000 customers that they need to the pockets.

on Wednesday followed the Boxer suit with increases to between 70,000 and 80,000 customers – every third in the address book.

And now it is Canal Digital, which reports price increases in addition to a portion of their estimated 70.000 Danish tv customers.

While the increases have Canal Digital also reported the brand new package structures out. The two reports in combination, have triggered a veritable storm of customer inquiries.

some customers describing that they have been given notice of a rise to 42 kroner a month.

Wednesday was pushed so violently that Canal Digital on their Facebook page had to sign out that they had closed for the postings on their Facebookvæg.

It protects them, however, not for the customers ‘ temper tantrums. In a comment for the lookup type Jesper Katborg:

’It is also a surge’, and Bettina Ellehammer follows up with: ’It’s crazy’.

More customers writes that the changes to get them to cancel the tv package.

Glenn Jokerbet Selbo calls for an outright boycott.

’It could be that we all should stop paying and then see if they change their position instead of just taking money from customers’, he writes.

At Canal Digital confirms Claus Petersen, who is the commercial director, that they have been busy the last few days.

“It’s a little special is that we have chosen to change our packages and make a new structure. Instead of two packages, we have now three packages, and there are many who are calling in to ask to what actually happened,” he says to the B. T.

He acknowledges that it has had to close for certain communication options.

“It is true that our Facebook was a little overloaded by requests, and that we have closed the wall,” says Claus Petersen:

“Facebook is not working so well to customer inquiries, so you can write on the messenger, send an email or call instead, even though there may be some waiting time.”

But why a new package and all the accompanying confusion?

And why the rising prices?

“compared to the new packages, so it’s all about, that there has been very much on the market in recent years, and that we have chosen to clean up a bit in it and make a different kind of structure,” says Claus Petersen:

“compared to the prices mean something different for different customer groups. Some should not have to pay more. Some should pay less. Some must pay more. It is a little up and down.”

Claus Petersen will not tell how many customers who have been given notice of a price increase.