After the eight-day blockade of the national film school of denmark has the principal withdrawn. Students will build the school’s education is up again.

I am students at The Danish film school, to the principal Vinca Wiedemann on Friday has announced his departure.

In eight days, the students at the national film school blocked the school and demanded the principal’s resignation.

Now students will look at how they can create the school and the training they all the time have fought for.

It tells Martin Anthon Sørensen, who is studying in filmklipperlinjen.

– We are happy and relieved that she has withdrawn. It’s like the first step that we can look forward.

– For us, it has never been about a personal smear campaign, but on that of the principal tasks – and those we don’t think she has performed properly, he says.

Students have long been dissatisfied with the Vinca wiedemann’s management style, and the way she has changed several of Filmskolens education.

the ministry of Culture has employed Bo Damgaard as temporary rector of the national film school of denmark. According to TV2 Fyn he expects that he can take over the Betlike post permanently. “Under no circumstances” sounds.

He has recently worked as a consultant in the film industry and has previously been a director of FilmFyn and head of TV2.

at the same time, there is set a process in motion to find a permanent replacement for Vinca Wiedemann.

It is a process, Martin Anthon Sørensen hope that students can have influence on.

– We would like to have set up a board of directors, who must face the vice-chancellor, where there are democratically elected representatives from the film industry, the teacher and the student group.

– the Board of directors, we want to stand for the selection of a new rector, he says.

The first task for the next permanent rector will be to make a plan for the long-term development of the national film school of denmark, informs the ministry of Culture.

In a press release communicate to students that they are lifting their blockade from Friday afternoon – but that they maintain a number of requirements for what they want, must constitute the cornerstones of the future of the national film school of denmark.

It involves among other things the desire for a board of directors, but also eight differentiated specialistuddannelser with a fixed fagleder, which must be with in the drafting and approval of the curriculum.
