“We are deeply moved, touched, angry, frustrated, powerless, unhappy and a sense of injustice,” fill”.

How does it sound from Lene Nordstrøm, the mother of a 15-year-old girl, in a posting on Facebook.

the Lookup, she has written, because a girl from her daughter’s class recently left the class due. jødehad and anti-semitic threats.

the Mother explains in the advertisement that the family back in september of this year were exposed to the hate letters in the mailbox and on the stairs in front of their house.

at the same time, there was scratched swastikas into the girl’s chair in class.

“I’m in shock that it happens in Denmark. Denmark must be a place where we can live in peace and harmony with each other regardless of ethnicity and what religious beliefs one has,” writes Lene Nordstrøm on.

In Berlingske Sunday parents, Pernille and Michael, to the concerned girl forward.

Here, they tell, among other things, that they felt forced to move the girl to the jewish school, Carolineskolen in Østerbro in Copenhagen, because they no longer feel secure.

this is The second time that they have had to move the girl because of hatred and harassment. The first time back in 2014, when a muslim boy threatened their daughter because of her father’s ethnicity.

“It is Wsbets extremely, that Rebecca must now go to a school where there are police officers outside, and the cameras and alarms all over the place and security guards inside the school. But it is unfortunately necessary. And yes, I’m disappointed, but also really, really sad. I can almost not escape it, even here many weeks after,” says father Michael.

He says for security reasons only with the first name in the newspaper.

He is originally from Israel, but have never seriously practiced judaism.

nomadic matt’s parents have several times tried to get the school and authorities to respond. But in vain.

After Lene Nordstørm wrote the advertisement on Facebook about the harassment against the family and Rebecca and her second skoleskift, grip Herlevs mayor, Thomas Gyldal Petersen (S), check.

He had read the Facebook-spread, and would hear, if he could help the family.

He invitererede therefore, Pernille and Michael to the meeting, if possible, find out who was behind the threats and the hadforbrydelserne.

the Meeting has so far not borne fruit.