Now warns ophthalmologists, namely, that it may increase the risk of a bacteria in the eye area, which can bring the ‘vippelus’ with himself – in any case, if you do not do vippeforlængelserne properly clean.

“They can be difficult to find, but a rare time we can see them with a microscope,” says Gary Keoleian, who is an ophthalmologist by øjeninstituttet in Michigan, ABC 12.

He says that vippelus is a tiny parasite – a kind of mite – by the name of demodex, which live on the hair follicle.

Gary Keoleian also says that vippeforlængelser can be completely smooth, if they are made by a professional, and if you make sure to make the lashes properly clean.

If the lashes, in turn, become neglected Oleybet and begin to collect bacteria, it can create irritation.

“Over time, dirt and residues build up in the lashes. When it builds up, it begins the eyelid to become irritated, and as a result can vippelusene – dermodex – attack, the bacteria can fester, which can create even more irritation, and so the vicious circle otherwise away,” says Gary Keoleian.

the Same message has optician Dr. Sairah Malik, as ABC13 have spoken with.

“Overall, there are many who have lash extensions, which are afraid to touch vippeforlængelserne or wash them, because they are afraid that the lashes fall off,” she says to the media.

She stresses, however – just like Gary Keoleian – that it is essential to clean the eyelids and lashes each and every day, if you have lash extensions.

Both the doctors recommend to clean lashes and eyelids with a diluted form of tea tree oil, which is known to beat the demodex death.

Vippelus can, just like the ordinary head lice, be transferred to anyone. Among other things, if you are sharing products like mascara and brushes, which is used to apply eye shadow.