Is it a ufo? A sign of the imminent apocalypse or an advanced form of fireworks?

the Questions were many, as the Saturday evening appeared a mysterious blue light up on the efterårshimlen of Copenhagen.

The blue light speckles or cones of light prompted many locals to block his eyes.

H ar you seen the blue light, and you know where it originates from? Write to us at or on our page on Facebook.

On the social media shared more of their pictures of the exceptional light, followed by questions such as:

‘Ufo?’ or ‘I will not die.’

Right now floats the Fenomenbet answer in efterårsvinden.

A one year old article from a local media from the nordøstengelske city Teesside describes a similar phenomenon from the city last year in november.

the Newspaper Gazette Live believe to know that there is a light from a special mow train, which is used to analyze the rails and overhead lines.

unfortunately, It has not been possible to get confirmed that it is talking about.

B. T. has been in contact with both the DSB, Banedanmark and the Copenhagen Police, as the concurrence says that they do not know the blue light.

But who knows? Maybe one of you out there can help us all to unravel, where the light comes from?