Fewer pupils in primary schools is good to read. The teachers pointing to the closed positions as a key reason.

It goes downhill with Danish children in reading.

A big part of the explanation of the development are to be found at the country’s lærerværelser, where over a number of years has been longer between the trained teachers.

It believes the chairman of the Danish Teachers ‘ association, Anders Bondo Christensen.

– There are fewer and fewer teachers in the Danish primary school.

– It is in fact, 18 percent of lærerstillingerne in elementary school were killed in just ten years. And so you can’t expect to make miracles out in the schools and significantly better results, he says.

According to the results of the latest national test of the school year 2018/2019 are 70 percent of the students “good” to read. It writes Jyllands-Posten.

Last year the figure was 72 percent, while in 2014/2015 was 74 percent.

In connection with the folkeskolereformen from 2013 was – in addition to many other new features – formulated a target that 80 percent of the students must be “good” to read.

– Politicians can easily sit inside at Christiansborg and formulate some great goals on that now, pupils become much more proficient.

– But Perabet such decisions need to follow up, and it has certainly not been done, says Anders Bondo Christensen.

in Addition to the disused teaching positions pointing to the president that the schools have been squeezed from many sides, as a result of folkeskolereformen.

With folkeskolereformen was the school day made longer. Supporting education – such as exercise and homework help – got a central place on the school curriculum. And there was set a minimum for the number of hours in several subjects.

At the association School and the Parents, which organizes the country’s school boards, points to turmoil in the classes as a big part of the explanation for the negative development in pupils ‘ reading proficiency.

– We experience the very many places that parents think there is too much turmoil in the classroom. And if there is too much turmoil, it is difficult to maintain the professional focus and learn it, you must.

– part of what one can do, is to set lower klassekvotienter, so there are fewer children per adult, says president Rasmus Edelberg.

in Addition, the parents should be more involved in their children’s reading, he believes. And then you have to be open to go back to the physical book, instead of the kids reading on an iPad.

Also in the field of mathematics, there has been a decline – albeit a small one. In the 2018/2019 achieved 77 percent of the students have “good” results in mathematics in the national tests compared with 78 percent the year before.
