The English media The Sun has raffled off 100,000 dollars for information about her. But in several months, Ghislaine Maxwell has been as sunk in the ground.

a Few days after the pædofilidømte billionaire Jeffrey Epstein died in his cell, she disappeared. Since nobody has seen the woman who can play a leading role in the investigation of the alleged sex-ring, which Epstein has been accused of standing at the head of the.

Even she is in a lawsuit, been accused of having helped the board of young sex slaves for the pedophile director, as she had a close relationship with. She is in many ways, therefore in the centre of the extensive scandal, which also pulls the threads to Prince Andrew from the british royal family, writes Gorabet

She was, according to several international media last seen on a burgerrestaurant in Los Angeles a few days after the pædofilitiltalte Jeffrey Epstein took his own life in prison. Since there have been unfounded rumours about her.

Maxwell, who is a part of the british upper class, has repeatedly maintained his innocence in the charges, but is still unable to track down. And according to some sources, you will never have it.

Her longtime friend and former ex-girlfriend of Prince Andrew, Victoria Hervey, has in the tv prgrammet ‘Good Morning Britian’ said that she has not seen Maxwell since september. And she doesn’t think anyone will be able to find her.

“I don’t think that anyone will be able to find her… She is like a character from the James Bond films – she is a very unique person,” she said in the program.

Other sources close to the Maxwell believes that she will soon appear again among other things, to talk with the FBI about the case and defend Prince Andrew about his role in the case.