After having been employed as a barista at Espresso House, 24-year-old Josephine Wilken never even touch the food that is being sold in kaffebarerne.

It is namely, according to Josephine, quite commonly as employed to be asked to sell stale food to kaffekædens customers – and even if she threw it out, it could still be sold.

“We had some sprouts, which was used for sandwiches. They were two days old, leaked water and was completely yellow, and them threw I out, but my manager caught it up again and said that as long as it is not smelled or looked really icky out, so we could use it.”

It tells Josephine Wilken, who has a bachelor’s degree in, among others, food security, and therefore well knew, that madhåndteringen in Espresso House not lived up to the requirements.

“Many customers complained, but we employees had tried to throw it out once, but was asked to use it anyway,” tells Josephine.

In a Espresso House you can often see kaffebarens sandwich, foccaciaboller and muffins be exhibited in a display case, so the customer can see what you get.

What you don’t see, however, is, according to Josephine Wilken, to the exhibited goods are often wrapped again and sold as new, fresh goods, although they have been promoting in the showcase for 16 hours.

“Udstillingsvarerne was usually foccaciabrød with dressing or meat in which can take only a day, and my overall thought, we should pack it into in the film about the evening, and then sell it on in the morning. I would not eat it. It was very friendly..”

Josephine Wilken says that she has often pointed out to his butiksleder, to Espresso House had a problem when it came to fødevarehåndtering, but it was never taken seriously.

Why had she started on time long food over the counter, as she is not even wanting to touch, to the unaware, Favoribahis paying customers.

Josephine believe that the bad fødevarehåndtering may have something to do with the fact that Espresso House seems very young people, in management positions, and as she herself was employed, was her head since also only 21 years, she says.

“It is so frivolous to put a 21-year-old to manage the circus. They really need to get some more mature people to stand for the whole. Such thing as food security is not being enforced properly, when you have a manager who had just come from high school.”

Josephine Wilken is far from the only one who has experienced poor fødevarehåndtering.

B. T. has spoken with 54 employees and former employees, and many of them tell, as Josephine, that they have been asked to package udstillingsmad into new paper, and they refused, they were given a warning of their leader.

the Other tells, that when they could not reach to wash up, was customer coffee served in used cups, which were simply washed off.

Many of B. T.’s sources tells that in the kaffebarerne have been major problems with fruit flies.

A source told even, to the employee because of the flies sprayed with insecticide in a room that was directly connected with a kagemontre inside the store.

But it is not the whole.

A former employee, who wishes to remain anonymous, has sent B. T. an image from an internal Espresso House-facebook group.

Here it appears that the coffee shop at a time had rats, and that the leader directly asked his employees to lie to customers and say that the coffee shop had been ‘major technical problems’.

En B. T. is the Espresso the House the question whether they believe that it is reasonable to ask their employees to lie to customers about rats, is the answer, it seems they are not, but:

‘that’s Why we have clear procedures for how we handle any pests in our coffee shop, and they do not involve lying. On the contrary, we have training and leadership in, what our colleagues must do and report on in connection with the pests,’ writes the Espresso House’s spokesperson in an email.

B. T. also ask for the old, exhibited food, as baristaerne have been asked to package, so it appears fresh, and it sounds the answer:

‘We serve, of course, only food that is within the expiry date. We have clear rules and routines for.’