Vet struggling particularly with declining record of pupils who do not come directly from secondary school.

Although an almost united parliament in 2014 agreed on a reform of vocational training in order to increase the recorded, it’s gone the opposite way since the reform, the importation.

In 2019 has vet recorded about 4500 fewer students than before the reform, and approximately 1200 fewer students than the first years after the reform.

It is particularly in the omsorgsfagene which, among other things pædagogassistent and social and health care assistant, there are noticeably fewer, which will be recorded.

With the reform was, among other things, introduced a karakterkrav of 02 in Danish and maths from a ninth – or tiendeklasses exam.

Opposite hoped the politicians of the reform to learn more directly from the ninth and tenth class at erhvervsskolen. The goal was that every fourth from ninth, or tenth grade should proceed on a vocational training in 2020.

In 2019, it was about every fifth – a marginal improvement from before the reform.

In raw numbers has the vocational schools recorded 131 more directly from the ninth and tenth class in 2019 compared with the first year after the reform.

It is, however, more than offset by a decrease in removals from those who are looking into a vocational training later in life, because they, for example, has abandoned a training or have taken a job after secondary school.

Here have been recorded 1232 less in 2019 than it did in the first years after the reform was adopted. One of the differences for this group is that students skip the first part of the baseline scenario above.

Here you have 20 weeks of teaching on a more general process, before students have to choose between the specific fields of study.

minister for Children and education), Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil (S) bemoan the development.

– Our society is in dire need of artisans, butiksassistenter and all the other professions that come out of our professional training, she says in a written comment.

– it is important, Therefore, that we from the entire society doing everything we can to make training attractive.

At The Radical believes ungdomsuddannelsesordfører Anne Sophie Callesen, that there should be more focus on practical subjects in primary schools to encourage more people to consider vocational school.

at the same time, high school students could also be instructed to switch to the vocational school.

– We are not good enough Belugabahis to get them guided on, if it turns out that high school or a higher education is the right path for them. The opportunity we have to open, and the government will also look at, so it is positive, says Anne Sophie Callesen.
