There are soon elections of the student representatives to the University’s academic council, the board of studies and board of directors. But it is not all messages are equally welcome at the UNIVERSITY.

the junta the student movement, Conservative Students, and Free Forum have experienced that several of their election poster has been removed from the campus.

“We are both puzzled and outraged. It is fair enough that some people disagree with us, up to a univalg, but to pull the posters down is an indication that you will not let us get heard,” says statskundskabsstuderende Christian Broholm Andersen, who is the candidate at the head of the Conservative Students at the UNIVERSITY of copenhagen.

“It is undemocratic, and it creates a bad environment, if you can’t say it, you mean.”

He gives the blame to the people as, for example, the anonymous Instagram account kraenkelseskulturellememes.

the Person behind the account has in the latest days, time posted a number of pictures Marsbahis up, it calls to remove the posters, as you can see in this series of screenshots.

On their posters they have written the text ‘No to the politics of identity’.

“It’s all about, that we see a growing trend that more of our fellow students feel resentful about various things – including sombrerohatten, that was part of a celebration at the law school last year. These students, calling on the entire UNIVERSITY’s power to shut down the action, and the culture we will be shut down.”

He put his weight on it, of course, is in order, if you do not agree with people, but:

“We do not approve of the trend, that even the smallest things to complain up to management. It is going to restrict dialogue and the free debate that is the core of the free university.”

Also chairman of the Free Forum Frederikke Werther regret over the vandalism.

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“I think it is subversive of democracy, that they destroy the election poster and calls to tinker them down,” says Frederikke Werther and continues:

“My posters have been covered with stickers, where they write that I am a racist, but my crusade is aimed not at all within the kind of problem.”

She also says that people on social media write things about her that did not fit.

“There are people on Facebook who think that I do not accept sexual minorities. It irks me, because it’s not, I think, and it’s not something I can identify with.”

Christian Broholm Andersen, Frederikke Werther does not have a clear overview of how many posters are removed.

But it is clear the places where they are missing, as you can see in the pictures at the top of the article. They have also found them thrown out in the trash.

B. T. is working to get a comment from the Instagram account kraenkelseskulturellememes.

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