He also tried to place the snabelen in the state treasury by means of fabricated invoices.

It shows documents from Skatteverket in Sweden, as B. T. has gained an insight into.

As B. T. previously described, the former Danish national team player in football Jacob Svinggaard a key role in a case about vat and tax evasion.

A case, as the Danish and Swedish tax authorities have curled.

Jacob Svinggaard might ring a bell with them, which is plus 40.

He has played one fodboldlandskamp in 1990 and was for a number of years profile at PARKEN in Vejle Boldklub.

Since he threw the boots in 1998, he has been tried as a contractor, among others, in the restaurant business, but without much success.

He has several bankruptcies behind him.

Recently, he has been director of the Swedish firmat Candy Garden. As previously identified in the B. T. was candy for the more than 18 million, according to Skatteverket in Sweden, shipped mainly to Denmark in 2016 and 2017 by the company with the purpose of avoiding to pay vat and sugar levies.

Now B. T. so tell that Jacob Svinggaard and other backers not only svindlede by failing to pay the Danish vat and sugar levies.

They also tried to get money from the Danish state through the company Scanpartner, where Jacob Bahis Siteleri Svinggaard also was the director.

Here he bought the paper goods from another Danish company, and afterwards he asked to get deduction for the vat.

But the company had never purchased any products. The deal consisted entirely of some fake invoices, which indicated that there had been a trade.

“the Company has tried to achieve an unjustified deduction. If there is an invoice of one million kroner, so as to form momsdelen of 200,000 crowns, as so is the prize,” says Michael Egholm, there is revisionsekspert at Advizer Law.

“It is the easiest way to cheat in the vat. It is only if one gets selected for vat control by the tax administration, that it can be detected. And then you even a sod deeper and see invoices, bankudskrifter with more,” said Michael Egholm.

It is not apparent from the documents from Skatteverket, the amount in question, or whether it actually succeeded Jacob Svinggaard to get deduction for the vat. But it appears that it certainly was discovered.

B. T. have been in contact with tax administration in Denmark, which has fed Skatteverket in Sweden, with information.

But the tax administration will not comment on the case because of confidentiality.

in addition to trying to get a deduction for vat sold Svinggaards Danish company Scanpartner candy to a German firm by the name of Indi, Gross.

However, only on paper. According to Skattestyrelsens message to the Swedish authorities, there has neither been the exchange of goods, payment or other, which indicates that there has been regular trade.

The company, which Jacob Svinggaard sold ‘air’ in Germany from Denmark, share, oddly enough, also address to Jacob Svinggaard.

the Fake acting is, as described previously in B. T. a part of the fraud, because it means that the authorities have difficulty to find out where sweets really is ended up pregnant. But much of it is according to Skatteverket picked up or delivered to slikbutikker for sale in among other things the Copenhagen black.

Jacob Svinggaard has not been alone about the fraud. Also, mortgage-fraudster Tarek Zaeim, in 2017 got a sentence of three years in prison, has been involved.

the Case also draws the threads of the controversial slikgrossist David Yüksel, who has been ordered to pay over half a million dollars in salaries for Romanian workers, who had not been paid to repackage the candy.

Yüksel was also the man behind a secret stock of more than 50 pallets of sweets, which the Fda in 2012 confiscated in Burlington.

In the case of the Candy Garden has Skatteverket found money transactions for a company owned by David Yüksels wife, Mette Yüksel.

Jacob Svinggaard refuse to have the knowledge of tax evasion in the Candy Garden.

“It must then be for the receiving companies. It has a Candy Garden, as such, not anything to do with. There is not occurred tax evasion in the Candy Garden,” he has previously said to the B. T.

It is not succeeded B. T. to get a comment to the fake invoices and the attempt to get deduction for the vat.

Jacob Svinggaards only fodboldlandskamp was against United Arab Emirates in 1990, where he replaced Morten Bruun 11 minutes before the final whistle.

See the full Jacob Svinggaards response in the case of slikfirmaet Candy Garden here: