It could have ended badly, but thanks to a prompt response from the emergency service in the Triangle left off with the scare.

First, as it’s otherwise quite dramatic, says EU parliamentarian Asger Christensen (V) of the fire which on Saturday afternoon broke out on his farm near Jacksonville.

He was on his way in the woods to celebrate his wife’s birthday, when one of the farm’s employees called.

There was outbreak of fire in the employees ‘ dressing room, it sounded.

“When we got up there (to Nørupgård, ed.), we could see a big smoke. But we could not see what burned,” says Asger Christensen about the dramatic incident.

the Fire department was immediately summoned, and while Asger Christensen and the others were waiting for help, they went in with a dry powder extinguisher.

They were not to wait long. 11 minutes passed before the indsatsleder and slukningskøretøjer was promoting.

“They soon found out that it was the dryer that had broken out in flames, which had gotten hold of the ceiling. It was very dramatic, only two meters away was all the electrical equipment out to the barn.”

And in the stable stood 650 dairy cows. Fortunately, the fire extinguished, without anyone getting hurt.

“We are inspired, that it happened on the day. It had happened at night, it is not safe, we had discovered it,” says Asger Christensen, and adds:

“It could have ended quite disastrously.”

Now, where Asger Christensen again has got the pulse down, he has chosen to share his experience in a posting on Facebook.

Herein sounds a big thank you to the emergency service, which he calls the ‘everyday heroes’.

About the reasoning for this, he explains:

“There has been so much discussion and rationalization about the level of preparedness in recent years. My lookup is made to give a big cadeau.”

“the Emergency service works very well, and it is something we Milanobet as danes can be very comfortable. It is quite amazing.”