When the sun beats down, there are slightly more women who give birth.
This suggests a new u.s. study, at least in writes Science Alert according to the Science.dk.
a team of researchers has examined the association between weather and birth rates from the time period 1969 to 1988, and the conclusion reads:
“We see that the curve of births topper on hot days,” says one of the main authors on the study, associate professor of environmental economics Alan Barreca of the University of California, Los Angeles.
the Researchers find that the birth rate increased to 0.97 births per 100,000 women aged 15-44 years, on days where the temperature exceeds 32,2 degrees, compared with days where the temperature is between 15-21 degrees.
This is equivalent to an average 5 percent increase in births, when it is warmer than the 32,2 degrees.
the Study, which is published in the journal Nature Climate Change, shows at the same time that birth rates, which tops on extremely hot days, fall in the days after.
the Study interprets that the decline is due, that there should have been some births, but that they started too early.
“The increase and so the decline indicates a prospective modification of, or acceleration of births and, ultimately, a loss of up to two weeks of pregnancy,” says associate professor Alan Barreca for NBC news. kralbet
the Researchers estimate that the warmer weather has contributed to an average of about 25,000 babies each year are born a little too early in the UNITED states during the study time period.
It is a problem because of premature have a higher risk of health problems right after birth and lower cognitive ability (mental skills) later in childhood.
In Denmark assesses that the children are prematurely born, if they are born more than three weeks before due, according to the national university hospital.
because of climate change and temperature rise estimates of scientists, that heat will affect up to approximately 67.000 births in the UNITED states at the end of this century (2080-2099).
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