How does it sound from the handicapordfører from SF, Charlotte Broman Mølbæk.

the Announcement comes in the wake of the budget bill, on Monday evening fell into place, and that involves a big bag of money to the families with people with multiple disabilities children up to 23 years.

More exactly, there is allocated eur 30 million. dkk in 2020 and 60 million dkk. annually in the 2021-2023 to about 150 affected families.

An announcement which I am Jane Troelsen, if people with multiple disabilities daughter turns 18 this summer, and which, therefore, can look forward to be able to stay at home.

“It is a good news,” says the mother, which in the past have been going back in B. T.

however, She is still concerned for the future. Why, we return to.

B. T. has previously described how young people with strong disabilities in the transition from child to adult is the victim of a judgment of the Vestre Landsret in 2015.

Here it was decided, that the municipality is only allowed to provide grants for practical help and not for so-called monitoring, which is needed if the disabled f.ex. get an epileptic seizure or not can breathing, which requires urgent intervention.

When Emily, in the summer of next year reaches 18 years of age, released she from to be the parents ‘ responsibility to society. But now that the budget bill is dropped in place, she can and the parents are therefore welcome to get overvågningshjælp in the parents ‘ home

Thus she will not be forced to move on institution to get the vital døgnovervågning, she needs.

Back to Jane Troelsen, despite the good news for her child, still is skeptical of the politicians ‘ goodwill.

“We have been fortunate, and we are grateful for that. But the problem has just been deferred. Our fellow human beings with severe disabilities are still second-class people, who do not have the same rights as all of us. It is far from good enough,” says Jane Troelsen.

the national Chairman of the Danish Handicap Forbund, Susanne Olsen, the folds of the mother’s concern out:

“There is talk about a group of people that has such a massive need for assistance, even after the age of 23 years. For those who had hoped for a solution, the news is a big disappointment,” she says.

the Parties behind the budget bill has been agreed to set up a working group to identify how a solution to the monitoring problem, incidentally, should look and be financed.

“of course, We will seek influence on this process and will continue to work for solutions for all citizens with monitoring needs – regardless of whether you are young or adult,” said democratic national committee chairman Susanne Olsen.

Handicapordfører for SF, Jacob Sølvhøj, also writes for a number of disappointed and frustrated families on Facebook, that the party will ‘continue to fight’ for them for over 23 years.