‘Pressure breeds counter-pressure..’. ‘Thank you for today, brothers’. ‘Fucking proud of you, boys.’

there is no lack of support for the large group of Danish stilladsarbejdere, as Monday was in a heated conflict in Nørrebro.

On the social media hills stilladsarbejdere across the country each other up, after the action, which was aimed at the lithuanians at a construction site on the Lundtoftegade, evolved tremendously.

A huge scaffolding was toppled down over some skurvogne on the construction site. In skurvognene sat a number of lithuanians, if the setup of the scaffolding is the focal point of the case.

the Emotions are still on the outside of the garment the day after on Facebook-ago Scaffold Denmark, where the action is praised.

‘Thank you for today, brothers,”I’m sorry, I was not there and supported you”I love those actions,”Thank you for a good day, friends”Pressure begets back pressure’

Jeff D. Falkenberg acting diligently in the comments box. He says, among other things behind the comment that, ‘pressure begets back pressure’, and was even with the action Monday.

at the same time, he is a member of the Stilladsarbejdernes Brancheklub and including a part of the education committee for stilladsarbejdere.

He tells why so many of his colleagues are angry and shelves the action.

“I’m tired of the fact that we stilladsarbejdere get such a rough ride on social media and in the newspapers. We have been beaten plenty of, and it is people know to be weary of. That is why I am so active,” says Jeff D. Falkenberg.

He believes that the Lithuanian workers at the construction site on the Lundtoftegade even provoked the violent riots that culminated in the huge scaffolding was toppled.

“We thought, actually, that we had been closed down for the illegal work on the construction site at the weekend, but it so happens that here the assault on one of our comrades, who are out there to take pictures Sunday. A from the Danish Elforbund also get some on the head, and a third person may abscond.”

“we will not find ourselves in so that you we up yesterday (Monday, ed.). And when we come back, are some of the lithuanians on the square. Instead of going their way, they begin to arm themselves with things, and they throw the first stone,” explains Jeff D. Falkenberg.

from Here, develop the matter himself violently.

Among other things, passed a white Porsche on the roof. Just the Porsche belongs to, according to Jeff D. Falkenberg byggeherren on the spot. And just out from the Porsche increased a number of persons, as in the weekend overdængede Jeff D. Falkenbergs colleagues, he explains.

Is it okay that it develops violent Monday?

“No, it is not, of course. And it is piss annoying, that we must be prepared as thugs. But when someone assassinates our colleagues, then we react.”

But it could well have done without resorting to violence?

“this is The first time, we are in a situation such as here, where one of our colleagues is attacked, and at the same time they begin to throw things at us. And from there it develops just.”

If you knew what you know now, that it developed itself so violently, you had then done it all again?

“If one of my colleagues had been attacked, and they then attack me and my colleagues, as was the case here … So I had done it again,” says Jeff D. Falkenberg.