Former BIOS staff is both disappointed and relieved, according to their cases whether the lost pay is completed. Some has been paid back, while others need to pay the money back

the Scandal of the bankrupt ambulancefirma the BIOS has reached its end for 600 former employees – three years after the bankruptcy. The 600 emts have got completed their lønsager.

It informs Radio4.

Udfaldene of the cases are very different, and the rescuers are both disappointed and relieved.

When the BIOS went bankrupt three years ago, lost 600 employees their salary, and they have since led lønsager against the Region of southern denmark, who took over ambulancedriften after the BIOS. The cases are now closed, but in many cases believe ambulanceredderne not, it has been to their advantage.

“There are members who are disappointed with the final result and who had an expectation that they had much more money for good,” says president of Engineering and Services sector in the FOA, Reiner Burgwald.

the trade Unions FOA and 3F has led lønsagerne for ambulanceredderne, and also at 3F, there is disappointment that the track.

Here Jørgen Christensen, who is Brancheansvarlig of the department of Professional Transport at 3F Aabenraa and Tønder, been responsible for many of the cases. He says that a part of the rescue workers, he has conducted cases for, ended up with having to pay the money back.

“It is clear that we are not satisfied with the decision, when there is someone to pay the money back. Suddenly, they are faced with a bill for having done a piece of work,” he says to the Radio4.

In one case to an earlier BIOS-employee pay 30.000 dollars back to the Region of southern denmark. The repayments happen because of the error in the reported hours and payments from the Region of southern denmark.

After the bankruptcy promised the Region to pay wages, because the Wage Guarantee fund refused to cover the requirements.

The first months after the bankruptcy paid the region aconto salary for ambulanceredderne, but had no access to information about, for example reddernes working hours and switch of shifts in the BIOS. Therefore, in several cases, paid too much, and therefore more previous BIOS-employees, i.e. pay money back to the region.

in Addition, rescue workers and trade unions in some cases reported for large sums of money to the region, as they must now pay back.

“In some cases, we have since concluded that we have lacked documentation for some of the work that had been reported in,” says Jørgen Christensen from 3F.

At the Region of southern denmark are international architects Stephanie Lose (V) happy that the cases are closed. She points out that, in the big equation is the region that ends up with to fork out.

“Overall, we have paid around 60 million, so the general picture is that we have paid more money than we have received,” she says to the Radio4.

A handful of previous BIOS rescue workers still need to have completed their case.