A shimmering portal of christmas lights creates every year, the joy on a residential street in Esbjerg, but in the years it has instead created quite a stir.

It is due to the according to the Municipality of Esbjerg is prohibited.

So now it should be over with the christmas lights on the LV Jensens vej, where the portal will decorate the road, and it has got anger esbjergensere to accuse the municipality to be some lyseslykkere.

According to the municipality may not permit private’s facilities in the public space, because it is the municipality that has the security and legal liability, if something should go wrong in connection with won.

It explains the president of the Engineering & building committee held in the Municipality of Esbjerg Søren Heide Lambertsen (S) to JydskeVestkysen.

And it’s a shame, the view Karina Kjær-Christensen, whose family has been with to make and set up juleportalen in many years.

“I think I can speak for the whole street when I say that is we really get bored of. We put much effort into it year after year,” says Karina Kjær-Christensen to B. T. and tells that it is a cluster of seven houses on the road, who every year stands for juleportalen.

It is especially the men on the road, which stands for juleportalen, and karina’s man has together with the family’s neighbours, an odds-club, where each week meet and oddser.

And the money – they go to a lystændingsfest with the portal in the centre, where all the neighbours and residents on the naboveje are invited to eat the fritters and see the beautiful portal be turned on.

“It does, that we become closer as neighbors. Lysportalen is probably a symbol of how we experience the street and the friendships we have on the road.”

According to Karina Kjær-Christensen and several of her neighbors, as B. T. has spoken with, is lysinstalationen also a bit of a atraktion in Esbjerg.

“There will be many who will want to see it. That comes example, many day-care facilities, and the children are very excited about it,” says Sanne Elten, who lives on the LV Jensens vej.

But even though the portal has been going on villavejen every christmas in four years, it is only now that the municipality has been aware of the julepyntede portal.

It is because they saw a photo that had been taken by a photographer who seemed that the portal was nice.

Unfortunately, the photographer’s joy over the portal the consequence that the municipality discovered juleportalen, and must now declare it for the public.

the Citizens of Esbjerg can enjoy the portal to christmas eve, but must do without the lights over the LV Jensens vej next year.