For the second time in the year is installationsvirksomheden Kemp & Lauritzen involved in the case about the suspicious purchases.
A former employee of the installationsvirksomheden Kemp & Lauritzen is involved in the case of suspected fraud in the department of defense Ejendomsstyrelse.
According to Peter Kaas Hammer, managing director at Kemp & Lauritzen, was the employee in question immediately reported to the police and expelled, when the actions were discovered.
– It puts us in a very good light. Especially seen in the light that we have almost 2000 employees, who honestly go to work each and every day to serve our customers.
– We have in 2016, had an employee, who has fiddled together with an employee from the Defense. When we discovered it, was he expelled and reported to the police, and the case was handed over to the police, says Peter Kaas Hammer.
Of the indictment in the case of suspected fraud in the department of defense Ejendomsstyrelse it appears that an employee of the Defense unduly got renovated his house to a value of more than 1.7 million dollars.
the Invoices for the work were allegedly paid by the Kemp & Lauritzen, who in turn were favoured in future contracts, says.
Five people are in the Middle – and Vestjyllands Police accused in the case. One of these was employed as a works manager in installationsvirksomheden.
another forsvarsmedarbejder got installed smedejernslåger and bøgehækplanter worth a total of 35.250 crowns. The same employee made the electrical work in the eight hours in her home. Kemp & Lauritzen paid the bill.
It has earlier this year been promoting, to four employees of the Kemp & Lauritzen was expelled in a case of suspicious purchases, among other phones and tablets.
They had to be purchased in connection with a contract with the Danish university and Property agency.
Peter Kaas Hammer denies that there is a culture of fraud in the Kemp & Lauritzen. He points out that the company has discovered the rogue’s actions in both cases.
– We are constantly looking to ensure that the systems we use are approved and up to date.
– This is some really tiring and unacceptable cases. But I am glad that we have discovered it, and to our systems after all have caught it, he says.